13. September 2024

We for you: Projects of learning group 8 for the fourth graders

Education does not only consist of accumulating specialised knowledge - social engagement and learning organisational procedures are also among the competence goals in the education plan.

The learning partners of learning group 8, together with learning guide Tina Wolfram, have taken up this challenge in the subject AES (Everyday Culture, Nutrition, Social Issues) in the last two months and put their social competence, their own planning skills and their critical reflection skills under the microscope.

As part of the lesson "Learning through engagement", they started small projects for the fourth graders of the school centre: a scavenger hunt on the school grounds, various sports games and baking muffins in the school kitchen. The "bigger ones" had to independently plan and implement their projects in order to convince the "smaller ones" of what they had to offer.

So, did it work?

The young target group was extremely enthusiastic: in addition to a lot of fun and enjoyment, key skills such as teamwork and perseverance were also strengthened in them - so everyone learned from everyone else.

"In terms of the educational skills taught, we are one hundred percent in the typical mode of operation of a community school with projects like this," explains Tina Wolfram, adding enthusiastically: "Learning group 8 did a great job!"
