27. July 2024

New quiet room at the school centre

Even teachers are sometimes stressed and frustrated at school - non-stop conversations, noise, hustle and bustle, and for 10 hours on some days - quite a few have the feeling of being completely exhausted from time to time.

In order to offer the teachers a quiet time-out from the daily hustle and bustle, the Snoopy team, led by school chaplain Martina Straub, has redesigned a quietly located room in the basement of the Realschule building into a "Room of Silence" in several working group meetings.

The concept implements the wishes expressed for years by many colleagues and the school social work team to be able to go to a place of retreat during breaks or free periods in order to recharge their batteries and switch off for a short time.

Together with the current Snoopy learning partners, school spokesperson Daniel Sauter, Sarah Rieger, Sofia Bosch, Kevin Andrup, Erik Hirschberg, Viola Wolf, Jule Grathwohl and Johanna Bertsch, the letters for the door logo were designed with window colours and the Snoopy logo was painted over the cosy seating area with wall paints in several working group meetings. Here, there is a fire-proof sofa, and next to it a small side table to provide an opportunity for relaxation.

 "As minimalist as possible," Ms Straub explains the room concept, "so that the visual design also invites you to rest."

The new oasis will be available to all teachers and the Snoopy team for grief counselling as a time-out place from the next school year.
