The fact that one can comfortably obtain information and advice on one's own training path from one's own tablet was tested for the first time yesterday by the learning groups 8 of the Stetten a.k.M. school centre: they did not have to leave their learning group room or their chair for the visit to the digital education fair Visionen Balingen. 109 listed regional training companies and authorities presented themselves and their company profile virtually to the young people interested in training. The job market of the future offers not only opportunities to start a career, but also incentives for internships, FSJ positions and access to universities and educational institutions.
But is a virtual tour of the trade fair without a direct contact person even comparable with a face-to-face visit?
The online visitor is greeted by a virtual podium of the selected virtual podium of the selected exhibitor, where he or she can view the company presentation, brochures on training and studies or careers, explanatory videos and job descriptions. In addition, there is a live chat, where the learning partners can get more information from the contact persons of the contact person at the institution in question for more information course, remuneration or how to apply for a job.
In order for everything to go smoothly, the learning partners had already had already thought intensively about their strengths, interests and preferences in the The learning partners had already given a lot of thought to their strengths, interests and preferences in order to quickly find a suitable offer in the digital selection. If technical difficulties or if the learning partners needed help with surfing the web. surfing, the teachers Ms. Jessica Zwick, Ms. Marijke Hörger and Mr. Marco Marijke Hörger and Mr Marco Heller, their learning guides were also available to who could show them individual ways through the wealth of information. information.
A fact sheet helps to keep track of the tour. each learning partner enters a brief summary of the digital tour: Which training or study programme does the company offer? How long does the training last? What prerequisites do I need? Are there opportunities for and further training opportunities? What should my application look like?
The young prospective career starters were very satisfied after the very satisfied after their visit to the fair. They emphasised the uncomplicated first contact with the company of their choice.
This is a good solution if you can't make a live visit". Max Maag from class 8.1 praises the informative web presence. "The contact persons in the chat were very nice."
Joana Wetterer, who also attends the 8.1, is enthusiastic about the of job alternatives: "For those who have not yet found a placement who haven't found a placement yet, it's a chance to find one now. to find a place."
The successful fair concept will also be an integral part of the career orientation at the Stetten a.k.M. school centre. a.k.M. school centre.