21. September 2024

District School Sports Festival 2022

Last Friday, 01.07.2022, the district finals took place in Sigmaringen. the district finals of "Jugend trainiert für Olympia" took place in Olympia took place.

The school centre Stetten a.k.M. participated with a mixed team from the primary school, a girls' team in competition class III and a boys' team in competition class III. a girls' team from competition class III and a boys' team from competition class III. motivated learning partners were able to convince all along the line - all of the first place!

Some of the learning partners were already used to the competition situation, others had their first experience there. Due to the team evaluation, the team spirit was strengthened and all learning partners were cheering along during the entire competition. The GMS learning partners were accompanied by the teachers Armin Hotz, Kathrin Hocheder, Nadja Baldischwiler and Julio Becerra.
