16. February 2025

Pia Riebl wins reading competition

Even in Corona times, the Stetten a.k.M. school centre is making every effort to continue the highlights of school life in accordance with the pandemic, including this year's this year's reading competition for the 6th grade.

Jennifer Sieber, Bajramsa Berisa, David Hotz, Maeve Seidel, Simon Horn Hotz, Maeve Seidel, Simon Horn, Louis Dezmann and Pia Riebl, who won with the highest score. Pia Riebl, who was crowned school winner with the highest number of points. She can look forward to the district reading competition in Sigmaringen. Learning group winners Jennifer Sieber for 6.1 and Pia Riebl for 6.2.

A particular challenge this year was certainly reading with a mask. reading with the mask - which all participants mastered with flying colours. Besides In addition to reading a passage of their own choice from a favourite book, they also had to In addition to their own selected passage from a favourite book, they also had to read from a previously unknown text for two minutes.

The books presented by the learning partners are impressive impress as now well-known and sophisticated literature. The passages from the chapters of Kerstin Gier's "Ruby Red" or Gary Paulsen's "Alone in the Wilderness" captivated the Wilderness" captivated both the audience and the jury. The winner proved with her choice of Cornelia Funke's "Gespensterjäger" (Ghostbusters) proved excellent taste.

The school centre is keeping its fingers crossed for Pia in the Sigmaringen!
