12. September 2024

Lucky winners

You have to reckon with everything - even the beautiful.

This is the slogan of the project "Happiness comes later..." of the working group Forum of the Sigmaringen District Office in cooperation with the AOK. the AOK. The municipality of Stetten a.k.M. was the first municipality in the district of municipality in the district of Sigmaringen to organise this campaign in cooperation with the social work at the Stetten school centre; other communities are to follow. are to follow.

"It is important to us important to us to set an example against consumption-oriented trends in society such as booze challenges," explains Tobias Buck from the school's school social work. He was particularly keen to get the school centre involved in this project. for this project.

Especially in Corona period, it has become difficult to feel happiness. We have to learn anew that it's not the extraordinary things that make us happy in the long run happiness, but rather the small moments in everyday life that are easily and which arise from friendship with one another, from the deep bond and closeness and closeness of a cherished person.

Participants were asked to document and send in their November to document and send in their personal moments of happiness - the heartwarming The heart-warming pictures of the learning partners from a joint barbecue evening or a colourful panorama of what panorama of what makes them feel good personally have been compiled on the project's page of the project: https://gluecklandkreissigmaringen.jimdofree.com/stetten-a-k-m/

Among the participants of the school centre, two winners can look forward to their lucky prizes: Class 3b with their teacher Mrs. Klaiber received two mobile football goals, skipping ropes, a package of street chalk and 2 soft footballs.  
The learning group 6.1 with the teachers Mrs. Ziegler and Mrs. Okafor are happy about the the board game Activity, a second football in the colours of the Bundesliga colours of the Bundesliga as well as a small candy dispenser...

                     ...future moments of happiness included!
