10. September 2024

Stetten sews masks

On the initiative of our trainee teacher Ms Jessica Zwick, three sewing instructions for face masks were created, which have meanwhile been tested and further developed by the teachers Ms Elke Henle and Ms Carolin Nipp. Together with Mrs Sonja Schwenk, who works in the all-day care, several "prototypes" have already been created. From the 4 May wearing protective masks is compulsory in the school centre. Then our 9s and 10s also start their exam preparation again (Here is a Info letter It is desirable that as many learning partners as possible are equipped by then. Next week, therefore, masks will be diligently produced in the school centre under the direction of Mrs Henle and Mrs Schwenk, which can then be purchased in the secretary's office for a contribution of 3€. The proceeds will go to the SMV. We would like to thank the company Hemden und Blusen Schütz GmbH Stetten a.k.M. for the fabric donations.

Here are the three instructions for download:
1. Mask with filter, for spectacle wearers
2. Simple mask - Type1
3. Simple mask - Type2
